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testimonials from some of the happy and satisfied clients,you could be next

When I started working with California Spells, I explain what I was going trough in my relationship. California Spells was pretty straightforward about my case; she has been pretty transparent and honest. She is in touch with you on a everyday basis. I cannot express how happy I am that I found California Spells. There has been tremendous changes in my relationship. Follow everything she tells you to do and you will see the changes. If you are looking for real results don’t think twice. California Spells is the real deal.

Lorena Arriaga, Arlington, Texas

To all who read this….You must have faith. There are greater forces at work than you can imagine. It will get better and each of your situations will improve whether it is what you intended to happen or not. I am currently waiting for my magic to do its wonders, however you must remember to have patience. Patience is knowing that your efforts are paying off even there is no tangible evidence to believe so. Have trust and faith…you are in good hands with Pro f Musa

Sheikh Hasina – UAE

Ndiyazisola ngokwamkela ukuba bendiqala ukuthandabuza kwasekuqaleni, Iqabane lam lahlukana nam kuba lalingenamvakalelo kum. Ndandixhelekile kuba ndimthanda ngaphezu kwayo nantoni na kwaye andinakukwazi ukucinga ngobomi bam ngaphandle kwakhe. Ngomhlobo wam olungileyo, ndiye ndazi ngawe. Umhlobo wam wayenomsebenzi owenziwe nguwe.Yiyo loo nto ndinxibelelane nawe ngethemba lokuba uza kubuya neqabane lam. Ewe uyenzile. Izandi zakho zothando zaphumelela kwaye zandithatha kuphela ii-4days. Bubuvuvu obupheleleyo, kuba mna ngokobuqu bendingenakulindela ukuba iya kusebenza ngokukhawuleza. Iiyure ezimbalwa emva kokuqala komsebenzi wakho, iqabane lam liqhakamshelane ngeSMS kwaye lifuna ukudibana nam - kuyamangalisa ngokwenene ukuba umsebenzi wakho undizisele yonke into. Ndiyabulela kakhulu ngento yonke ondenzele yona neqabane lam. Miriam, Capetown

Ek het in 2012 begin met speltrooiers van oral op die internet. Die een bedrogspul ná die ander! Die meeste van hierdie mense kon ek nie eers bel nadat ek hulle betaal het nie! Ek het dus 'n rukkie met die speltrooiers begin praat voordat ek dit gebruik het. Dit was nog steeds nie genoeg nie. Ek is absoluut bespreek met al die liefdesformules aanlyn. Met hierdie in gedagte hou ek op met die gebruik van speltrooiers! Dit was moeilik om te dink dat ek nooit weer met my hart sou begeer nie. Ek het begin met die proses om oor te begin. Ek het my bes probeer om aan te beweeg, en fokus op my werk en my lewe, maar dit was nie goed nie. Na 6 maande kon ek nie die gevoel skud dat ek my sielsgenoot verloor het nie. Ek het weer aanlyn gekyk. As ek nie seker is hoe ek Chief Africa se webwerf gevind het nie, dink ek dat God my in hierdie rigting gedryf het. Nadat ek meer as 2 weke met hom gesels het, het ek uiteindelik besluit om die geloofs sprong te neem en dit weer te probeer. Ek is so bly dat ek dit gedoen het, anders sou ek nie nou getroud wees nie. Dit was absoluut wonderlik toe hy die spel versprei het, net soos hy dit in die spel geplaas het. As u twyfel, praat net met hom en hy sal u deur die proses lei. O ja, die negatiewe vrystelling was waarskynlik een van die beste dele van die proses. Ek het nie gedink ek hou soveel negatiwiteit in totdat ek dit eintlik gedoen het en die verandering vir myself gesien het nie. Ek waardeer alles wat u vir my gedoen het, Prof Musa, Paxton Lee,waerfront

“Ngifisa ukuthumela zonke izifiso zami ezinhle kini. Isipelingi sakho sisebenze ngendlela engangifuna ngayo ngempela. Umkhosi engiwenze kwaba ngumzuzu omkhulu! Ngezwa amandla amangalisayo emboza kimi lapho ngenza! Angikholwa ukuthi lokhu kwenzeke ngempela ngemuva kwayo yonke imizwa emibi engaba nayo nabasakazi bokupela! ”Lorene, pretoria **

I do not wish to say much, but I want to say that I am very excited of the work you have done for me. I apologies for pressurizing you and feel embarrassed about the way I conducted myself with you. I hope you accept my sincere apologies. You were very patient with the job you did for me which took about 9 days, if it was someone else they would have not tolerated my attitude and I would have still being struggling with my battle. You happen to be a friendly and very kind person and whenever I come to your place I do not wish to leave as there is a lot of peace around me in your place. Thank you once again.
Best Wishes.
Anju Patel, East London

“Ngifisa ukuthumela zonke izifiso zami ezinhle kini. Isipelingi sakho sisebenze ngendlela engangifuna ngayo ngempela. Umkhosi engiwenze kwaba ngumzuzu omkhulu! Ngezwa amandla amangalisayo emboza kimi lapho ngenza! Angikholwa ukuthi lokhu kwenzeke ngempela ngemuva kwayo yonke imizwa emibi engaba nayo nabasakazi bokupela! ”Lorene, pretoria **

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Summer is truly amazing. I was going through a hard time in my relationship and she helped me get back on the ground and on my feet. So compassionate and insightful. Will definitely be staying in touch with Summer and seeking her guidance in the future.

-Emma R.
Chicago, IL


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228 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg | Tel: +27737454096

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